Typically in a law abiding state, with god fearing residents, we would expect the citizens, in this context, the vehicle riders and the pedestrians to abide by the law that mandates everyone to adhere to traffic rules. Pune seems to be hell bent to unlearn these habits. The numbers of such anti social commuters is low, but shows a gradual increasing trend.
I remember there were days when vehicles, as they approached a green light at a traffic signal would accelerate hoping to catch it green and thus avoid the one minute halt! Why people are still so worried at saving this one minute is a debatable question. The most logical answer seems to be the fact that they have convinced themselves, if not anyone else, that they are the busiest of living beings that dwell this city and that a loss of one minute is a life & death matter or a billion rupee risk! Whatever reasons, seeing a green light at the traffic signal made drivers speed up, hoping to pass the signal before it turned red!
Similarly, seeing a red light at the traffic signal, drivers would slow down their vehicles to stop at the zebra crossing. Those who were doing good speed would break hard, hoping to stop their vehicle before it hit the one in front. One would seldom hear screeching sound as a speeding rider applied his breaks on his 100cc bike that often wobbled before it came to a dead halt.
Things have changed! Perhaps because change is the essence of life! Not the fact that today we see 200cc bikes and lots of luxury cars with ABS and what not on the roads! The traffic signals are still very traditional red-amber-green, what has changed is the behavior at the traffic signals! It is now very opposite to how it was a decade back. It’s bad and shameful, yet satirical non the less.
Today, as a vehicle approaches a green light at a traffic signal, if the driver is doing good speed, his first reaction is to stop his acceleration. Strange but true! Yes, he stops accelerating. He has to survey the other intersecting roads to check how many vehicles continue to come from the other approach roads, blatantly ignoring the red signal in their line of path! Then if he is lucky, and the number of vehicles intersecting his path is less, he would proceed, cautiously though to avoid any collisions.
Similarly, these days seeing a red light at the traffic signal, well, it doesn’t mean much. Many riders have come to a conclusion that these traffic lights are mere source of entertainment for their young ones who might get cheered up at seeing the lights turning red to amber to green in a cyclic manner! Today’s riders are different! Very rich and polished, thanks to the country's booming economy! Seeing a red signal, they just give a cursory glance across the street to check for any traffic officer, who might once in a blue moon be waiting to nab the violators. But more often than not, there is no one manning these signals, and thus the riders meekly continue on their journey to hell-dome!
Today, once in a while, we still see a lone driver from the yester years. One who still for reasons beyond fathom, continues to follow the traditional practice of stopping at the red light! Such miscreants should be caught and sent to rehab centers where they will get trained to the new ways of life! For they do not understand, how much inconvenience they cause to others due to such erratic behavior! Imagine, as we continue to leisurely drive by a traffic signal, some stupid bloke stops right in front of you all of a sudden! We are hastily committed to break our drive! And if we are lucky, we are able to avoid a collision! And all this for what? Coz that loner decided to stop briskly seeing a red traffic light! May god bless such ignorant blokes for they shouldn't be allowed to drive their vehicles on roads if they haven't learnt the new ways!